Tag Archives: RDP Class

Patterns used in the Migration for MorphX Report to SSRS Report

Old pattern/usage New programming model pattern
RDP report with:1.       Simple Grouping

2.       Validation

–          Create RDP contract.-          Implement SysOperationValidatable and implement validation.

–          Do grouping on contract.



–          AssetDepreciationLedger_IT

–          InventABC

RDP report with complex grouping e.g. horizontal, vertical, nesting etc. OR multiple groups etc. –          Do grouping in VS. Provides you modeling capabilities.
Query/DataMethod/OLAP report with group –          Do grouping in VS.
–          Custom fields created in dialog i.e. field is not a report parameter-          Field added based on certain condition.

–          Custom dialog fields are added and report parameter populated based on that.

–          Create UI Builder:-          Move code in “addCustomCtrl” to

–          Move “getFromDialog”  to UIBUilder.getFromDialog() and populate contract.

–          Associate UI builder class with contract by using attribute “SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute(classstr(UIBuilderName), SysOperationDataContractProcessingMode::CreateUIBuilderForRootContractOnly)”

–          Optional: Create controller, if further modification of contract needs to be done before running. Do it in preRunModifyContract().


–          AgreementFollowup

–          BOMPartOf

–          Code needs to react to dialog field events. E.g. field modified etc. –          Create UI Builder:-          In postRun(), register override methods for field events and associate with methods.


–          BudgetFundsAvailableUIBuilder


–          Dialog field needs to be changed to have different button type than default-          Field needs to turn on flag on grouping. –          Create UI Builder:-          In postBuild(), get the dialog field from binding info and change.


–          BudgetDetailsUIBuilder

–          Helper class turns on/off visibility of report parameter, so new custom parameters can be added. –          Change the report parameter in report design to hidden. Framework will take care of not showing it on AX form.
–          Helper class add caption for the report. –          This should be avoided. The framework will use the label on the menu item launching the report as caption. So please change the label on menu item.-          The above will cover most reporting scenario.

–          For case where same report is used in multiple reports, then override controller.prePromptModifyContract() and set this. parmDialogCaption().



–          AgreementFollowUpController

–          Enable/Disable a dialog field based on certain condition –          Create UI builder:-          Override getFromDialog() if you want to get custom field value from dialog.

–          Override postBuild(), to enable/disable fields.


–          CustAccountStatementInt


–          Query is modified based on caller args BEFORE UI is rendered. –          Create controller:Override prePromptModifyContract().



–          AgreementFollowUpController

–          Query is modified BEFORE report is run. –          Create controller:Override preRunModifyContract()
–          Report name is changed based on caller args or UI parameter –          Create controller:Override preRunModifyContract()



–          AgreementFollowUpController

–          Helper class uses Print management –          Create controller:Override run() (refer to sample report)

Override preRunModifyContract(), prePromptModifyContract() as needed.



–          CustInterestNoteHelper

–          Report parameter UI should NOT show. –          Create controller:In main(), before controller.startOperation(), call controller.parmShowDialog(false)
–          Report uses temp table from caller –          Create controller-          Get temp table from caller, and use SRSTmpTblMarshaller class to save the data

–          Develop RDP class to extract this data and do biz logic processing



–          Cheque_US




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